Category: Why We Sell

  • Falling In Mush Love

    Falling In Mush Love

    Part of my job as an antiques dealer (or vintage seller, if you prefer) is to properly clean, research, and identify reclaimed and discovered items in order to best present these old things to potential buyers. Continually making discoveries, uncovering new-to-me stories is one of my favorite parts of this gig. But sometimes, as I’ve…

  • This Time Of Year…

    This time of year, we must remind you: Nothing haunts us like the junk we didn’t buy. * But it’s true all year ’round!

  • This Week’s Story: One Man’s Trash Is Another Man’s… Art?

    Hi, I’m Deanna Dahlsad of Fair Oaks Antiques.  This inaugural edition of ‘This Week’s Story’ is based on a mixed media artwork we found. (You can listen to this short audio podcast here!) We found this piece on the street during Fargo’s Cleanup Week. Yes, that makes us trash pickers. That’s not really news; we’ve…

  • Crafty Quarantine

    Crafty Quarantine

    Given the current situation, the dreaded coronavirus, we’ve seen an explosion in DIY and crafting — including a throw-back to Victorian hobbies, such as scrapbooking. We’re no different; we’ve been putting in a lot more hours in the studio – and not just for custom pieces, but been listing items in our handmade Etsy shop,…

  • Style Maven

    Style Maven

    I fell in love with Iris Apfel when I spotted her documentary on Netflix – I sent everyone to watch it. Whether you adore vintage costume jewelry, fashion & textiles, whimsical decor, or spunky old broads, you’ll love Iris. Most of the world now does. She’s become an icon. And most of what she exudes…

  • Looking Back At Family – Literally

    Looking Back At Family – Literally

    Thanksgiving means time with family, not working. However, in order for the family to be able to eat at the dining room table, one must first clear off all the inventory waiting to be cleaned & priced… So, in today’s endeavor to provide a clean horizontal surface fit for family, I, the wifey, had to…

  • The Typewriter: A Love Story

    The Typewriter: A Love Story

    Joseph and his wife were about to celebrate their first anniversary. Like any good husband, he wanted to give his wife Julie a special gift. In this case, it was a vintage typewriter as the couple had recently attended an event which celebrated the typewriter and Julie became smitten with them. (This is part of…

  • Signs From Antique Wooden Shingles

    Signs From Antique Wooden Shingles

    On a barn pick, I got a rather large box of antique wooden roof shingles. Since there are times one just has to put the piles of supplies to use, I began making a series of classic signs, such as “Gone Fishing”, “Welcome”, and the like. Of course, I had to make a few “Gone…

  • The Whirligig Project

    The Whirligig Project

    Early in May, we sold a bunch (but not all) of our old dairy cream separator funnels or cones in our Etsy shop to a lady in Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada. The lady was Kat, called “Kat in the Hat” (she’s from Medicine Hat, remember — isn’t that cute?!), and she had a project idea…

  • Antique Venetian Glass Chandelier

    Antique Venetian Glass Chandelier

    This is one of our latest — and grandest finds: An antique venetian glass chandelier. This antique fixture is entirely glass (not acrylic), including the arms, the original clear crystal prism drops (with an amazing round crystal ball drop hanging from the center of the bottom), and the hand-blown globes or chimneys are hand-etched with…

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