Category: Why We Sell

  • Vintage Inspiration

    Vintage Inspiration

    I don’t like to throw anything out, if I can help it. I suppose that’s true of most lovers of vintage items and antiques… Many of these “old used things” can go on to live another life — if you can only see what they can be! Sometimes, however, no matter how inspired I am,…

  • Coasting Along With Vintage Vinyl

    Coasting Along With Vintage Vinyl

    Since we collect records ourselves, we buy lots of records. But when you buy large lots of records at auctions and sales, you often end up with vintage records which are so scratched or damaged that they are unplayable. We don’t like to throw anything out. (Who wants to add to landfills?!) So we often…

  • The Elephant Went — Hurrah! Hurrah!

    The Elephant Went — Hurrah! Hurrah!

    An imperfect vintage circus-themed nursery wall decoration, a Dolly Toy Co. nursery Pin-Up, recently sold in our Etsy shop — and the buyer was cool enough to send us a photo of how it was put to use for her daughter’s birthday party! (We aren’t certain who touched-up the elephant’s foot, but the fancy lettering…

  • Just A Sample Of Our Handiwork

    Just A Sample Of Our Handiwork

    One of the things we like best about selling vintage items is finding the right homes for the gems we find. We consider ourselves more like adoption assistants for objects than dealers just trying to make a living, and as such we often find ourselves smiling when we don’t make a sale but make connections…

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