Last Of The Season

Up here, in the land of frozen tundra aka Fargo, North Dakota, back to school signals the end of the rummage sale season. *heavy sigh* To celebrate, we’re having our last yard sale of 2012 tomorrow (Saturday, September 8). Same place (the north side of Fargo, 14 6th Ave.); same time (starting at 9 a.m.); but with lots of unusual things… Keep an eye on our Facebook page for more sneak peeks!

Items to note: lots of books — both antique and vintage varieties, such as this lovely Thackeray set, and like new contemporary titles as well. Plenty of vintage cookbooks too. Between reading and cooking, you’re set for a cold winter!


3 responses to “Last Of The Season”

  1. […] All the images here are from books I will be selling, either at eBay at our yard sale this weekend. /* Previous post […]

  2. […] Among the items I purchased at Hippie Tom’s was this antique pelican weather vane. (Something I sniffled about selling last weekend!) […]

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